N5: Bridge Series: No Trump Bidding

Registration Status:

Event Date:

Event Time:
9:00 am - 11:00 am


Event Location:
Lakeview Room

If you're familiar with card games that feature wild cards, then you already know that using one will either win the hand for you or greatly increase your chances of winning. In Bridge, you have wild cards, too, called trump cards. However, in Bridge, the trump cards are really wild because they change from hand to hand, depending on the bidding. If the final bid names a trump suit, that suit is the wild suit for the hand. When the final bid ends in a No Trump contract, the highest card played in the suit that has been led wins the trick. More contracts are played in No Trump than in any of the four suits. Discussed will be the specific requirements (point count, distribution, stoppers) for the opener and responder in No Trump contracts. Participants will be given the opportunity for open card play during the last hour of this session.

Purpose: Gain a deeper understanding of No Trump bidding

Facilitator: Dean Oestreich